3rd Field Regiment RAA Association
Col. Comd Brigadier Lawler, our special guest Sgt Phil Jager, members and guests good morning.
It gives me great pleasure to present my second Presidents report for the 3rd Field Regiment Association.
Following the direction given at our last AGM we conducted several functions during the year. Gunners Day 5 Nov, was very well attended and after many years it was good to see the church full. This year our Committee has taken on the task of organizing the day, but more about that later. Our cocktail party in February was held at the Sea View Golf Club in Cottesloe and was our first mixed function. Those who attended had a great night. The Anzac Day march was lightly attended, but the numbers at the function soon made up for that. The Battery Birthday Dinner on 14 July was also well attended by both serving and ex Gunners and their partners.
During the dinner I had the pleasure of announcing our Associations annual award for the most significant contribution during the year by a serving member of 7 Battery. The recipient was Bdr Parker. Our selection process must be good as Bdr Parker was promoted to Sgt soon after receiving the award.
Earlier this year a tragic event struck a member of the Battery's cadre staff Cpl. Lazzarini with the death of his wife that left him with three children under four. On your behalf we donated $250 to a trust fund that was set up by the BQMS. Quenton Roberts. Also on a sad note I would like to note the passing of a foundation member Ray Osborn who died last Wednesday.
It would be remiss for me not to acknowledge both the quality and work effort of your Committee. Nothing would get done without the tireless efforts of the team. Every one is committed to the Gunner cause and to our future strength. So on your behalf I would like to thank them on a job well done.
Earlier this year Ray Bird stood down as Col Comd. I would like to acknowledge my thanks to Ray for not only being on our Committee but for his assistance and guidance to our Association in our formative year.
I would also like to acknowledge the total support we have received from 7 Bty. The BC Major Peter Mahoney and the Cadre staff have been totally supportive with any of our requests both official and non. I would like to specially thank the SMIG WO. Paul Holstein for his contributions to our newsletter. He is being posted at the end of the year to the Defence Force Academy and I wish him well.
I know its normal for these reports to highlight the past year but I would like to beg your indulgence and to talk of the future. During the year we commenced action on several fronts to be the driving force behind the consolidation of the Gunner interests in WA. Last year Ron Jager and my self were elected to the Committee of the Royal Australian Artillery Association of WA. This year we were re elected plus Ray Bird as President, Tom Arnautovic Secretary, and Gabby D'Uva Treasurer. This transition of power now gives our Association the vehicle to bring about one strong overall Gunner body in WA. This model by the way mirrors the arrangements in the other States.
It is envisaged that the RAA Association will remain as the peak body and organizations such as ours the RAAHS, 2/7th, 2/3rd, and others will still operate as unit entities but will each have a member on the RAAA committee.
This brings me to the matter of incorporation. The Artillery Association is not incorporated and also requires its constitution to be re written. This action has commenced on upon completion its incorporation will cover our Association. As the two committees are basically the same you can be assured our interests and that of the larger Gunner community will be well protected.
To enable the above to successfully take place your new committee is going to need a lot of goodwill and specialist help in certain areas, and I would encourage you to consider offering your support be it either on the new Committee or as a secondment to help with a certain task.
I would like to thank you for your support during the last year and trust you will continue to this over the next year.Thank You
PD Rowles
BK’s Report (Secretary)
At the close of the year we have 120 members. Whilst only a small increase from last year, we have consolidated as an Association and have a good base to build on. It would be great if each member took the initiative to ring up an old Gunner mate and invite them to our mixed Buffet Dinner at Observation City on February 23, 2002 and or to Anzac Day 2002. If we all did that then our ranks would swell to a strong membership in excess of 200. With the posting strength that 3rd Field Regiment RAA had, this target should be very achievable.
Come on Gunners bring a mate to our next function.
Speaking of next function, as our after AGM buffet luncheon at Rendezvous Observation City on October 7 was very successful and suggestions from many of the ladies present was to have another function there. Hence your committee is arranging a Buffet Dinner for Saturday evening 23 February 2002. Sunset over the Indian Ocean pre dinner drinks followed by Buffet at Pines Bistro. Member Rowden Sharpe who is Director of Marketing and Sales at Rendezvous Observation City is again offering discount value to Association members. Thank you Rowden.
Gunners Day 2001 which heralded the changing of the guard with the planning and conduct of the day arranged by Sub Committee from 3rd Fd Regt Association. Our thanks go to Brig R. Davis who was the Reviewing Officer, the Guildford Red Cross, Friends of St Mathews Church and to Vice President Ron Jager and his sub committee team of Peter Rowles, Tom Arnautovic and Gabby D’Uva. Also a special thanks to Tally Hobbs for his briefings to assist us in the handover. This years Gunners Day Ceremony included a short dedication to the restored 25 Pdr Guns which look immaculate. Special guests included Hon. Michelle Roberts Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Counsellor R. Oma from the City of Swan with representatives from the RS&L and British Services League. The afternoon tea was enjoyable followed by a merry group who ventured across the road to the Guildford Tavern for some ales with old Gunner mates.
Some members are still to pay their subs for the coming year and are requested to do the right thing and forward their remittance asap.
Please note the association has established a new mailing address in conjunction with the RAA Historical Society WA (Inc) and the RAA Association (WA). Address being PO Box 881 Claremont WA 6910.
Members who have email facility are requested to email their address to:tarnautovic@fremantleport.com.au which will assist in member information updates which can be forwarded cost effectively electronically.Merry Xmas and best wishes for the New Year
Ray Osborn
Dudley Mackie
Warning Orders -
Buffet Dinner for
Saturday evening 23 February 2002
The Colonel Commandant has challenged all members to ensure that they use their influence to ennsure that the Corps of Artillery survives as a viable strong supporting element of our Army. The following quotations are as pertinent today as when written.
1. One of the lessons of history is that the seeds of victory, and defeat are, more often than not, sown years before the outbreak of war. This lesson is often neglected by military historians and invariably forgotten by governments and peoples. In defeat the multitude and its representatives demand the heads of military commanders who, perhaps never had the slightest chance of staving off disaster with the means placed at their disposal. In victory they pile honours and rewards upon commanders who not infrequently launched themselves to success from the firm base established by their less fortunate predecessors. Rarely indeed is any praise or blame bestowed upon the men whose actions in the years of peace laid the foundations of failure or success.” from “The S.W. Pacific 1941—45” by E.G. Keogh
2. “What society gets in its armed forces is exactly what it asks for, no more and no less. What it asks for tends to be a reflection of what it is. When a country looks at its fighting forces it is looking in a mirror: if the mirror is a true one the face that it sees there will be it’s own.”taken from “The Profession of Arms” by Lt Gen Sir John Winthrop Hackett, K.C.C.,C.B.E, D.S.O., M.C.
3. “The practice developed by Napoleon, himself a gunner, was to direct concentrated artillery fire against a chosen infantry target until it began to weaken and then to assault at that point with the bayonets of his own infantry.” from “The Profession of Arms” by Lt Gen Sir John Winthrop Hackett, K.C.C.,C.B.E, D.S.O., M.C.How do you think we rate in the mirror?
BC’s O Group
"...This is my final report in my capacity as BC of 7 Fd Bty, 3 Fd Regt, RAA. I have been posted to HQ 13 Bde and Major Scott Sullivan moves in to the position of Battery Commander as from 1 Jan 2002.
My reports have been a bit spasmodic and WO2 Paul Holstein has filled in when I have been unable to provide a report. Thanks for that Paul.
I have been extraordinarily privileged to have the opportunity to command the BTY on two separate occasions for a total of about seven years. Both times have been quite different in their nature. In my first posting the BTY had six guns in the field and a parading strength of about 110; in my second posting the BTY is down to two guns in the field with a strength of about 70. Reassuringly all RAA units are experiencing the same situation so the problem is not unique to 7 Fd.
There are a number of reasons for this difference which relate to the economy and societal changes but one thing hasn’t changed, and that is the calibre of the young men and women (and the not so young) who make up the unit. In my modest opinion the RAA in WA has been very fortunate to have some of the best over the years. I see in the current members these positive qualities and am happy to say that the future of the Corps is in good hands. This was very ably exemplified during our recent two-week exercise.
The unit has very recently returned from its AFX in South Australia where we joined together with 48 Fd BTY to exercise in Cultana (a magnificent range area about 5 hours north of Adelaide near Port Augusta). During this period we were assessed by the team from Commander Land Commander Artillery (CLCA) office. When I first assumed command (for the second time) the BTY was due to to undergo a similar assessment...at that time I didn’t think we were sufficiently prepared and had it deferred. This time I was happy to undergo corps scrutiny as I felt we had improved markedly.
I am happy to report the BTY performed very well during the exercise and especially during the assessment phase. All soldiers performed professionally and the Master Gunner from the CLCA team indicated that the team was impressed with the commitment, enthusiasm and competence of the members present. The BTY worked well with the gunners from 48 BTY and some fierce competition ensued, as you would expect. Overall the gunners from 7 BTY came out on top particularly in spirit and esprit de corps - an organised vineyard tour of the Barossa Valley and several social forays into the "fleshpots" of Adelaide in the last couple of days attest to that- in case you are wondering we outshot them also in the direct fire competition and other technical aspects.
The BTY didn’t win the assessment - but that's all right; my expectation was not that we would win, but that we would establish a benchmark for further improvement. As it turned out only three sub units achieved the eligibility criteria to win the assessment (our difficulty was numbers). All members of 7 Fd BTY who attended the exercise can be justifiably pleased and satisfied with the outcome. Well done to all. I am confident that we will continue to improve from here.
It's rather symbolic for me that one of the first exercises I attended with the BTY was our trip to Townsville in the early 80's and that my last association with the unit should be to take the unit to Adelaide. This highlights how few and far between trips like this are mainly because of geographic position. Moments like this should be valued and I certainly do.
In closing I want to wish one and all a safe and happy festive season on behalf of myself and Wendy and Tara. I wish Scott Sullivan well in his time in command, and I look forward to following the careers of all RAA members from the lofty heights of HQ 13 Bde.SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM
Peter Mahoney
PRONTO’S SIGNAL PAD (From the Editor)
Thanks to all those who have provided material again for this issue. Without contributions it is very difficult to put together a newsletter each 3 months.
Wanted contributions and reminiscences from your time in 3rd Field Regiment. These could be articles, clippings, old newsletters, photographs or a profile of yourself with the emphasis on your artillery career. These can be posted to me at the address on the back of the newsletter.
Given the times we now live in since the events of 11 September it would appear that it behoves all of us who have military experience to keep the pressure on our elected representatives to ensure that we have an effective defence force both regular and reserve. Perhaps the time is ripe to also ensure that we have an effective Citizens Military Force for homeland defence? No longer can our elected representatives claim that there is no threat in the fore seeable future for the future is today and the threat is terrorism.Your comments / views
Membership for the year 2001 to 2002 is now due.
Fees still $10.00
Post to
PO Box 881 Claremont WA 6910
AGM 2001
Members enjoying Buffet luncheon after AGM 2001 at Rendezvous Observation City![]()
L/R Howard Montegu, Jim Clements, Joan Clements, Maureen Jager, Ron Jager, Alison Bird
Gunners Day 2001 March Past - Reviewing Officer Brig R. Davis
Gunners Day 2001 Parade Commander Peter Rowles leading the Colour party and parade to the church
7th Fd Bty RAA BC Maj Peter Mahoney leading Bty contingent at Gnrs Day 2001
Volunteer Tour Guides Wanted for the Leighton Battery Site.
Further details from David Carter Tel: 9367 3539
Training available.
Committee Contacts:
President Peter Rowles W 9359 1280 H9246 3941 Vice President Ron Jager W 9420 2231 H9457 2166 Secretary Tom Arnautovic W9430 3428 H9332 3309 Treasurer Les Herbert W9370 1200 H9341 4517 Committee Ray Bird W9380 9388 H9446 5520 Committee Ted Barton H9479 6382 Editor Peter Farrell H9246 1367 Committee Ken Hepworth H9294 2275 Committee John O’Brien W9273 7157 H9339 8615 Publication Schedule:
Issues of ‘TAKE POST’ will be posted to members on a quarterly basis with next ‘TAKE POST’ in September 2001.Membership
Membership fee is $10 pa. Application forms are available from the Secretary. - 13 Bennett Ct, LEEMING WA 6149
or Email—tarnautovic@fremantleport.com.auMembers are requested to advise Secretary of contact name & addresses of former 3rd Fd Regt personnel and application for membership kits will be forwarded direct.
‘TAKE POST’ is published by 3rd Field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery Association as a service to members. Any articles or editorial comment should be submitted to the Editor:Peter Farrell
3rd Fd Regt RAA Association
email: peterfar@bigpond.net.auTOP