3rd Field Regiment RAA Association
ISSUE NO 4—3/2001 SEPTEMBER 2001
CO’s Hour (Presidents Report)Welcome to the spring edition of Take Post. It always seems I begin these reports by reporting on a march, so not wishing to break with tradition I will begin with Reserve Forces Day held at Artillery Barracks on 1 July. The day attracted a large contingent of ex Reserve members, with the Governor taking the salute. Unfortunately the units of 13 Brigade were on a Commanders exercise, so we had to let the Navy show us how to do the marching.As you will be aware soon after our association was formed your committee began working on ways of encouraging the various Gunner Associations in WA to form a confederation under the one Gunner umbrella. This first step was taken at the AGM of the Royal Australian Artillery Association of WA on 2 July, when Ray Bird was elected President, myself and Ron Jager as Vice Presidents, Tom Arnautovic Secretary and Gabby D` Uva as Treasurer. These changes have only taken place due to the foresight of Tally Hobbs and his committee in deciding to pass the banner on to the younger brigade. It was Tally's vision and hard work that created the spark that commenced our Association and for that and the tremendous work he has done for the Gunner fraternity in WA that on you behalf I thank him.The Battery birthday dinner was held on Saturday 14 July and thanks to Gabby D`Uva and his committee from the Battery the 120 past and present gunners with their partners had a most enjoyable night.Our second AGM is due and we have decided to mix the formal with a social activity. The AGM is on Sunday 7 Oct at 1145hrs at The Hotel Rendezvous at Scarborough. Rowden Sharpe has kindly arranged a room for our meeting followed by a private luncheon in the Ocean View Room. This will commence at 1300hrs and is a golden opportunity for you to invite your partner to share good company, good food and the best view in Perth. As all positions for office bearers will be declared vacant this is your opportunity consider contributing some of your expertise to our Association. I urge you to attend both the meeting and luncheon.Our last and probably our most important function for this year is Gunners Day Sunday 4 November. Your Committee and the RAAA are working together to arrange the day and we would like to see an even bigger attendance from our members than last year to help mark this, the most important day for Gunners in WAI look forward to seeing you at the AGM and on Gunners Day .UbiquePeter RowlesPresidentBATTERY BIRTHDAY REPORTOn Saturday 14 of July 2001, 7th Field Battery together with 3rd Field Regiment Association celebrated the units 53rd Birthday, with a Ladies Dining in Night held at Hobbs Artillery Park in Karrakatta.Although it was a cold night outside, 115 people sat down to a sumptuous buffet dinner and drinks and enjoyed the camaraderie as past members mingled with the new breed of gunners. Still keeping within the Army protocol, the relaxed atmosphere guaranteed a very successful event with a lot of members agreeing that this should be held yearly, to mark the occasion.The Army's Pipes and Drums provided music during the evening, which added a special touch. Another highlight was the cutting of the Birthday Cake by the RAA Colonel Commandant Western Region Brig. Lawler, together with Gnr. McDonald.The Association was well represented with 44 people attending. The wheels are already turning for next year's event, in which I'll be looking at a luncheon setting rather than dinner, to accommodate all those members who could not come this time, as they do not venture out at night anymore. I'll be putting the feelers out in future issues of the newsletter for member's views.Remember next year the birthday will probably be celebrated on the 6th or 7th of July, depending on the type of function, so mark your calendars now.UBIQUEGabby D`UvaCommittee Member
Gnr Cameron McDonald and Brig Lawler cutting the cake
The BC Maj P Mahoney addresses the Dinner
Christine and George Papas Max and Chris Richards The RAA AssociationThe Royal Australian Artillery Association is an association is an association to which all Gunners are eligible for membership. The term Gunner means a person who is serving or has served in, or is, or was on the strength of, or is attached to any artillery unit of of the Australian Defence Forces, or the Royal Artillery, or an artillery unit of Commonwealth countries.The main objects of the association are many and varied however it aims to promote welfare and recreation, to foster Esprit de Corps, promote the military education of all gunners and to assist gunners and their families in necessitous circumstancesSMIG's Review 7 Field Battery 3rd Field Regiment RAASince my last article the in June the pace for the Battery has slowed down from the fast gallop back to a steady trot regaining our breath back for the final sprint to the finish line.On the last weekend of June the Battery participated in the Brigade Military Skills Competition, entering one team. We also provided two shooters for the Brigade Champion Shoot Competition. The unit team conducted some good lead up training and preparation for this year's competition. The training paid off with the Battery team commander by BDR McMahon producing it's best result in several years by finishing in the top five in fifth position from twelve teams. The shooting team didn't let the Battery down either with SGT Brad Pearce being piped at the post to finish second in the Brigade. Overall an excellent result.In July the unit held a formal Dining-in-night to celebrate the Battery's birthday. It was an enjoyable evening had by all with approximately 135 people present for the occasion. A terrific night with an excellent mixture of both current and past members.The Battery also conducted exercise DIRECT ACTION a "Try Before You Buy" weekend for perspective unit members. The unit had worked very hard in the previous months with providing unit displays in shopping centres, various recruiting activities and a large advertising campaign within local newspapers. 30 civilians and 12 cadets attended the exercise and watched the Battery conduct indirect and direct engagement of targets. During July the Battery Commander and myself flew to South Australia for a reconnaissance for the unit's combined Annual Field Exercise (AFX) with 48 Fd Bty at Cultana Range. It was a good opportunity to visit both 48 Fd Bty's unit location and the range and square away issues regarding the activity. At the same time naturally take time out to taste the South Australian lager. The only downside of the visit was listening to the BC snore on the plane home.The Battery's next assignment was firing the start to the Avon Descent on both days during the first weekend in August. On day one, for the all important start to the race, all eyes whore focused on the gun with the Governor of WA firing the start, as the Governor fired the gun 'yes' Murphies law took over and the gun broke a firing pin creating a misfire. Not the type of start you wish for when all eyes are on you however, shortly after, the firing lock was replaced and the race was on it's way. During the remainder of the weekend the unit recruiting team manned a recruiting display and maintained a high profile for the unit.On the last weekend in August the unit is conducting the BC's Challenge a Team building, leadership. Initiative and sleep defamation exercise to keep the guys on there toes.To finish off, in September the Battery will be participating in the Brigade Open Day on the 01 September and will play a significant role in holding ground for 16 Battalion's parade in receiving their new Battalion's Colours at Leeuwin Barracks on the 16 September.Well that's all from me, I look forward in keeping you informed on the battery's past and present activities in the next issue.'SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM' (If you want peace, prepare for war)Paul Holstein WarrantOfficer Class TwoSergeant Major Instructor Gunnery
Sunday 4 November 2001 Fall In 1420 hours Step Off 1430 hours Stirling Park, Guildford Laying of wreaths at the Guildford Memorial Service in St. Mathews Church followed by afternoon tea then camaraderie at the Guildford Hotel
Volunteer Tour Guides
Wanted for the Leighton Battery Site.Further details from David Carter Tel: 9367 3539 Training available. PRONTO’S SIGNAL PAD (From the Editor)Thanks to John O’Brien the last issue of Take Post has been put on our new website and it looks great.I am still looking for contributions from members and or profiles as you can see from this issue it’s a little short. Remember this is your newsletter and you can send articles for publication.Thanks to Gabbey D’Uva who has provided a report on the dinner and the information for the page on Traditions. Do you have something interesting regarding Artillery which can be reproduced or some recollections, stories of service in the Regiment? If so can we share them?As we grow the costs both in time and money grow to produce a newsletter. Perhaps we should encourage sponsorship or advertising to help in its production or pay for printing. To print out the coloured centre page on an ink jet printer alone takes over 3 hours but the cost to have it printed (unless we go to black and white) is prohibitive without additional revenue or sponsorship.Peter FarrellTRADITIONSGuns/ColoursSince ancient days when colour guns existed rather than colours, the gunners have accorded respect and honour to their guns as symbolic of our loyalty to the Sovereign and to the weapons for whose service we exist. For this reason, when the guns pass the Guardroom, the guard turns out and pay compliments by presenting arms.The King's BannerIn 1904 His Majesty King Edward VII presented the King's Banner to the Royal Australian Artillery in recognition of W Battery's service in the Boer War '1899 to 1901. This distinction conferred upon the Royal Australian Artillery is unique, as no other Artillery, in Great Britain or the Commonwealth has ever been honoured in such a manner.After 68 years, on Anzac Day, 1972, with great ceremony, this Banner was laid up at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra.The Queen's BannerIn 1971, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, graciously approved the presentation of her Banner to the Regiment in honour of its centenary and to replace the King's ?Banner. The Director, Royal Artillery, has directed that the Queen's Banner will be held in the custody of the School of Artillery It is presently located in the dining room of the Officers' Mess and, though the traditional Colours of the Regiment are the Guns, the banner is accorded all the honour and dignity of 'Colours' when it is displayed in public and on ceremonial parades.The White LanyardThe lanyard first came into use in the Artillery at the end of the last century, and consisted at that time of a simple piece of string about four feet long, whose purpose was to secure the jack knife which all gunners were required to carry. The spike of the jack knife was used as a hoof pick to remove stones from horses hoofs, and the blade was used in emergency to cut loose horses which became entangled in the head ropes and heel ropes on the picket lines. The lanyard was also used to secure the fuse key used to set the fuses for shrapnel shell.The jack knife and fuse key were carried in the right breast pocket of the Service dress jacket because the bandolier then worn in the Artillery made it difficult to extract articles from the left pocket. The lanyard was therefore worn on the right shoulder by gunners.The string lanyard soon became dirty and looked unsightly when hanging loose. This did not matter in war, but in peace time it was plaited and blancoed white to make it look smarter and to march the white waist belts worn in those times. For this reason the artillery to whom the lanyard was issued as an article Of military use, still wear white lanyards, whereas other regiments and corps, who have adopted and lanyard purely as an adornment, wear coloured lanyards.Thus the lanyard has an honourable and useful history, and we can be proud to wear it white and not coloured.
He that has the skill to bring a sudden unexpected concentration of artillery to bear upon a selected point is sure to capture it. Napoleon
‘TAKE POST’ is published by 3rd Field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery Association as a service to members. Any articles or editorial comment should be submitted to the Editor:Peter Farrell
3rd Fd Regt RAA Association
email: pfarrel1@bigpond.net.au