3rd Field Regiment RAA Association
ISSUE NO 4-2/2001 JUNE 2001
Prior to completing my term as Colonel Commandant RAA Western Region, I convened a meeting of Unit Association representatives and former Colonels Commandant to discuss the future of Gunner organisations in the state.
In particular, the peak organisation - the RAA Association of WA is experiencing great difficulty in maintaining an effective level of membership and sufficient volunteers to serve on the Executive Committee. Long serving President John Hobbs has indicated that he can no longer perform the role and after some 17 years will not be seeking re-election later this year.
To assist the Association with production of the RAAA of WA newsletter and the co-ordination of the Annual Gunners Day Parade, Members of 3RD Regt RAA Association have offered substantial assistance.
Whilst this offer has been well received, the action is being implemented in an informal manner and if we are to have a strong peak body then a more formal approach is required.
At the recent meeting it was proposed that I form a small working party to formulate the basis for a representative grouping to provide the Management for an ongoing RAAA of WA. It is envisaged that the organisation would comprise a Management Committee with representatives from all WA based Gunner Associations and whilst individual Associations would certainly remain in their current structure - a revitalised Peak Association could provide the much needed resources for furthering the status of Artillery in Western Australia.
I look forward to being part of its development and communicating the progress to you all.UBIQUE
CO’s Hour (Presidents Report)
My thanks to those who braved the weather and marched on ANZAC Day. Our numbers were up on last year and it was good to march not only with our fellow Gunner associations but also behind our own banner. The after march function at Hobbs Artillery Park was again very well attended and we managed to sign up eight new members. The BC Major Peter Mahoney and members of the Battery are to be congratulated on the hall decorations, organization and the enthusiastic way the day was run.
During April I attended a meeting that was called by the then Col Com Ray Bird for the Presidents of Gunner Unit Associations in WA. The result of the meeting will covered separately, but the thrust of the outcome is that our Association will become the engine to keep the Gunner flame alight in WA. Although it will take time to implement, the new structure, it is important that we continue to grow stronger by maintaining our strength and continuing to attract new members.
Committee member John O'Brien as part of his responsibilities with membership has designed and established an internet home page for our Association. John has done some great work on this, so have a look and pass on you thoughts to him.
As you will be aware this year is the Australian Army's Centenary, and as a matter of interest at federation the Army consisted of 27,292 Reservists, as known as today, from the six colonies and 1544 permanent staff.
To celebrate the long history of the reserve forces, and the important contribution to Australia's defence that they have made, there will be a special parade held on Reserve Forces Day that is being held this year at Artillery Barracks on 1 July. I encourage as many members to attend as possible not only support the ideals of the day but to show the Government that Artillery Barracks should be retained Gabby D'Uva has been busy as the head of a small sub committee in working with the battery on the battery birthday dinner on Saturday 14 July. This is shaping up to be an event not to be missed, so get your partner and make this a date for your diary
On the 11th of May the Battery's transport supervisor Cpl. Mark Lazzarni's wife Jenny tragically passed away leaving behind her three children Jake 4, Zac 3 and Alana 2 weeks. The Battery through the efforts of the BQMS Quenton Roberts has established trust fund for Mark and his children to help ease some of the financial burden. I urge all members to give generously to this appeal. Donations can be sent to the BQMS 7 Fd Bty with cheques made out to Lazzarini Trust Fund.
I look forward to seeing you on Reserve Forces Day and at the Battery birthday dinner.UBIQUE
Battery Birthday Function 14/7/2001
All Ranks Formal Dining-In Night to celebrate 7th Fd Bty RAA Birthday. All serving Gunners and Association members are invited. Details included with this issue in separate flierReserve Forces Day Parade 1 July
1000 hrs Parade forms Tuckfield St FREMANTLE for march.
Gunners Day Parade 4th NovemberTOP
ANZAC DAY—Another’s View
Reprinted with permission from the "Airborne Quarterly Vol 13 Number 2 Issue : Summer 2000". This is the Editorial by Col William E. Weber (US Army RET)Just got back (as of this writing? 15 May) from a long trip to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. A group of us from the RAAKKASANS (we had a Marine and USAF Korean era vet with us), went back to honour our Australian comrades?in?arms by attending the dedication of their Korean War Memorial. (See the Winter 99 issue for pictures of that Memorial).
I find it difficult to put into words the kind of people our "Aussie" comrades and their people are. Though we knew lot of them from our '98 trip, we met dozens upon dozens more this time around. Each related to us as one of their own! True, we were guests, and one treats guests with respect—but, we got much, much more than that! We got brotherhood and "family" treatment—we were, a part of them!
Australians view their veteran population much different from that we experience in this country. They are honoured and respected and the Australian people accord their veterans a form of recognition that is rarely seen in the U.S. It is not just on those holidays dedicated to veterans and it is all the time!
Perhaps it is because the Australians know so well the sacrifices their military went through. Or, perhaps it is because almost every family group in Australia has had (or has), a member who is a veteran! And yet, the number of veterans is only one in eighteen, whereas in the U.S. it is one in thirteen!
But, that there is a difference is so apparent that you are forced to question why we are not the same. Take ANZAC Day for example. ANZAC Day is on 25 April every year and it is a day of remembrance for the horrendous losses the Australia/New Zealand Army Corps suffered in the Gallipoli Campaign of WW I. Yet, it is much more than that!
The closest I could come to describing it is if you were to combine our Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Flag Day, the Marine's Birthday, Army Day, 4th of July, etc., you'd have an ANZAC Day in the US. But, it is also more than that!
Imagine if the entire US were to just "shut down" from 0001 hours until 1200 hours on "our" ANZAC Day. That's what happens in Australia! There are no big car sales or 40% off store sales. People don't go "how-abling" to the beach, resorts or whatever. Instead they head to the main street of their city, town or village, to be spectators in the parade that takes place. They stand there waving their county's flag and applauding each and every contingent that is in the parade, active forces and veterans groups.
And, as 1 said, everything is closed! No stores open, no "Memorial Day sales", no advertisements in papers about "get your Veteran's Day Deal'1 The entire nation stops just to honour their veterans and military! Imagine that here!
The Australian Armed Forces ensure that active unit representation is made available for every parade. And, the veterans groups form up by the war in which they served and, in that grouping, by the unit in which they served. But, there is still more than that!
The survivors of deceased veterans, whether wife, son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter or great grandson or great granddaughter, etc., are permitted to march in the unit group in which their family member served. And, they wear his/her decorations on the right breast versus the left. The symbolism is obvious?the spirit it fosters in the younger generations is apparent.
We were honoured to march in Sydney's ANZAC Day parade with the Australian Korean War veterans. Our group had the only U.S. Flag in the entire parade of over 20,000 marchers! And, as we passed in front of over a quarter of a million people, the crowd cheered "America, thank you!" Would that could happen here!
OK, maybe you think I'm just wearing 'rose coloured glasses' except that, in '98 we marched in Perth on ANZAC Day and the same thing happened! So, it wasn't just a fluke—they meant it!
You might ask, "so what!" Why is Weber beating us with this? I guess I really don't know the answer to myself! Maybe I'm just day dreaming or, maybe I'm wishing that we could go back to that kind of America—the one we remember of so long ago!"Nuff said!
BK’s Hour (Secretary’s Report)
Currently we have 118 members of the Association with 8 new member nominations received on Anzac Day. A Lost Trails report will be included in Take Post and members who know of the where abouts of the lost Gunner mate are urged to advise Secretary Tom on 9332 3309 or email: tarnautovic@fremantleport.com.au of the contact address or telephone number for an application to join the Association kit to be forwarded to our lost Gunner mate.
In earlier additions we included a member profile segment. Whilst profiles will not be included in every take Post owing to editorial requirements when including other center stories, it is planned to continue highlighting profiles on a regular basis.
Members are requested as a matter of courtesy to advise Secretary Tom of their attendance to functions and activities so that appropriate catering occurs. It is not fair to participants to under cater nor is it fair to over cater when members who had indicated attendance then fail to attend and fail to give due prior notice. Over catering incurs additional costs that as a non profit Association is not fair on our membership. Please do the right thing.
Included in this mail out of Take Post is an invitation to attend the All Ranks Mixed Formal Dining In night on Saturday 14/7/01 at Hobbs Artillery Park Karrakatta. Also inclosed is a RSVP form. Please ensure responses and your remittances are returned ASAP and no later than 26/6/01. Cheques to be made payable to Hobbs Artillery Park Officers Mess. This function is being well planned and will be another highlight during 2001. The Gunners Institute will be hosting the after Dinner dancing and drinks. A good attendance is anticipated.
John (Tally) Hobbs President of the RAA Association has advised that there will no longer be a RAAA Newsletter and that relevant articles will be included in Take Post.Ubique
Tom Arnautovic OAM
Hon SecretaryTOP
SMIG's Review 7 Field Battery 3rd Field Regiment RAA
Once again with a new year, comes a new challenge. 2001 proposes to be a good year for the battery with the enthusiasm of new personnel marching into the unit and the return of some old faces. The battery ARA staff is mostly new except CPL Mark Lazzarini and myself.The new ARA staff positions are as follows:
Training Officer - CAPT Lachlan Burg,
BQMS - SSGT Quentin Roberts,
Chief Clerk - SGT Wayne Fairbrother,
Tech Spt SGT - SGT Craig Corrigan, and Q CPL - CPL Troy Redgrave.The main focus for the battery this year is gaining trade and promotion qualifications for all ranks in order to fulfil the units tasking under the new 2 Div Force Preparedness Directive requirement. 7 Field Battery has been tasked under the new Force Preparedness Directive to provide two fully qualified gun detachments manned as per 8/12 Mdm Regt's SED, that is two 11 man detachments that will be trained on pre-deployment training with the Regiment on the M198 155mm gun.
The battery has another challenge in November, participating in a combined live fire exercise with 48 Fd Bty in South Australia. This will be a great opportunity for the battery to work with another Gunner unit, as we know, the Battery haven't conducted an annual live fire exercise (AFX) for some years now. The battery will combined with 48 Fd Bty to form a complete call sign and provide indirect fire support to 3/9 Light Horse (SAMR) APC and 10/27 Royal South Australian Regiment.
So far the battery has had a busy start to the year in 2001, with it's first activity on the 26 January firing the annual 21 Gun Salute at Kings Park for the commemoration of Australia Day. In February the BC attended the Commander's Call, a meeting with the new Brigade Commander (BRIG Edwards CSC), together with the other unit CO/OC's. We also took part in the Brigade NCO training weekend and the BC's yearly planning conference on the following weekend for all Officers/WO and SNCO's.
The pace didn't slow down in March, with the battery conducting a dry fire exercise at Bindoon, unit safety training (over two weekends) and the conduct of an Advance Gunners course for ten battery members.
In April the battery also completed Exercise Western Thunder the units first live fire exercise at the infamous Lancelin Training Area. The Battery continued it's ceremonial tasks by participating in the ANZAC Day Dawn Services in both Albany and Perth. Once again the Battery held an ANZAC Day function within the unit which was well attended by current and previous corps members providing a great atmosphere and an enjoyable day.
In May, the unit conducted an Indirect Fire Observer Trainer (IFOT) course for six Battery members to increase the amount of operators within the unit. The units other main focus is recruiting with plans to visit a variety of shopping centres on Saturday 26 May with another display at the Belmont Shopping Centre over the period 4-9 June. June and July consists of a Ninox Night Fighting Equipment Course (NVG's) and another LFX at Lancelin in mid July.
So as you can see the battery is keeping it's self very busy this year and with the new staff, new march-in's and the return of some old faces (some looking older then others) the battery is looking positive.
I look forward in keeping you informed on the battery's present and past activities.
'SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM' (If you want peace, prepare for war)Paul Holstein
Warrant Officer Class Two
Sergeant Major Instructor Gunnery
Thanks to my relatives in Whakatane New Zealand I was able to attend Anzac Day in New Zealand. I attended the Anzac Day service in a town called Whakatane, which is in the North Island in the Bay of Plenty. The town has a population of approximately 14000 people.The morning started with all those intending to march, meeting at the Big Game Fishing Club at 0515hrs where the bar had laid out glasses already filled with a measure of Rum with a Milk container adjacent to enable a Rum and Milk cocktail to be produced to the individuals taste. Also a tray of poppies of the same pattern as we wear on Remembrance Day was provided, with each member taking one and placing it in their lapel. It was at this juncture that I found 3 Gunners, identified by their Corps ties. I ended up in conversation with a fellow who had been with the airborne division and it was next to him that I marched.
At 0530hrs the group was summoned to fall in, in the parking area adjacent to the clubrooms and on the orders of the parade marshal moved off. A short distance, and after a right wheel the column was inside the grassed area of the local Marae
After a short service and addresses by the Maori and RSA representatives, the parade was dismissed where all taking part moved into the adjoining hall to be served with a sit-down breakfast. The hall seated about 200 people. Breakfast consisted of Bacon and Eggs and Beer or Tea or Coffee. A role call of all service members present was something different. I was invited to take part, where in rotation order around the tables, everyone stood up and identified themselves by number rank and corps/service and in my case country.
The civic service was held at the District War Memorial Centre, which was only a short distance away. About the same number of personnel took part in this service, which commenced at 0900hrs. Several speakers addressed the gathering, which consisted of the ex service personnel and a crowd of several hundred. It was interesting to see, that like in Australia, there was a large presence of young people in attendance. At the conclusion of the wreath laying ceremony all those who wished to take part were invited to form up and in twos and threes, placed their poppies at the foot of the cenotaph in a large open, felt lined cross . I thought this was a very touching moment. With the lowering and raising of the flags in conjunction with the playing of the Last Post and Reveille the parade moved off to the march past and dismissal.
The remainder of the day was no difference to Australia, that is an adjournment to the RSA to re-fight past battles. I can only add that the Kiwis made me feel most at home and their hospitality was only exceeded by their good looks.
PS. Some of the sheep are good looking too.
My experience with the Kiwis and the RSA didn't finish at Whakatane, for on the evening of Saturday the 5th of May I ended up at the Otahuhu RSA. Which is just out of Auckland and not far from where we were staying at our motel.
The president, Mr. Theo Brunt, who I called Neil all night, and members made Maureen and myself and my relatives most welcome and helped us enjoy a most memorable night. I ended up with another Gunner and an Engineer in the company of the Infantry members, who were in support of the President, downing several beers and to my memory 3 bottles of port.
The president honoured us by singing the Maori farewell in Maori and also told a joke especially adapted for the Aussies. Maureen and I were given 2 glasses bearing the Club's Logo and I was given an Otahuhu RAS embroidered pocket. Apart from drinking the club out of port, my cousin and I gave a rendition of Waltzing Matilda to those in attendance. I have since been told not to give up my day job.
I have left with lasting memories and contacts and addresses to which I will be sending future copies of our Association's newsletters. I can only add that the spirit of Anzac goes on and again say thanks to the presidents and members of the Whakatane and Otahuhu RSAs for making me feel so at home.
Ron Jager
Western Australia
Hobbs Artillery Park
Western Australia
Your Association is now ON - LINE
Yes we have moved up into Cyberspace and you can now visit our new website at,
Here you will find the latest edition of TAKE POST, a list of members, and details about the Association and the Battery.
So where ever you are in the world, ( over east or overseas) the latest news will be available to you, just a click away.
To be included very soon will be an extensive LINKS PAGE listing other Artillery websites throughout Australia and the World, and other sites of military or historical significance.
A listing of Members Websites will also be added, so you can show off your own business, company or personal pages to your fellow members.Email your details to webmaster,
John O'Brien
From the Royal Artillery Association Website http://www.raa.uk.comAccording to legend, Saint Barbara was the extremely beautiful daughter of a wealthy heathen named Dioscorus, who lived near Nicomedia in Asia Minor. Because of her singular beauty and fearful that she be demanded in marriage and taken away from him, he jealously shut her up in a tower to protect her from the outside world.
Shortly before embarking on a journey, he commissioned a sumptuous bathhouse to be built for her, approving the design before he departed. Barbara had heard of the teachings of Christ, and while her father was gone spent much time in contemplation.
From the windows of her tower she looked out upon the surrounding countryside and marvelled at the growing things; the trees, the animals and the people. She decided that all these must be part of a master plan, and that the idols of wood and stone worshipped by her parents must be condemned as false.
Gradually she came to accept the Christian faith. As her belief became firm, she directed that the builders redesign the bathhouse her father had planned, adding another window so that the three windows might symbolize the Holy Trinity When her father returned, he was enraged at the changes and infuriated when Barbara acknowledged that she was a Christian. He dragged her before the perfect of the province, who decreed that she be tortured and put to death by beheading. Dioscorus himself carried out the death sentence.
On his way home he was struck by lightening and his body consumed.
Saint Barbara lived and died about the year 300 A.D. She was venerated as early as the seventh century. The legend of the lightning bolt which struck down her persecutor caused her to be regarded as the patron saint in time of danger from thunderstorms, fires and sudden death.
When gunpowder made its appearance in the Western world, Saint Barbara was invoked for aid against accidents resulting from explosions - since some of the earlier artillery pieces often blew up instead of firing their projectile, Saint Barbara became the patroness of the artillerymen.
Saint Barbara is usually represented standing by a tower with three windows, carrying the palm of a martyr in her hand. Often, too, she holds a chalice and a sacramental wafer and sometimes cannon are displayed near her.
In the UK, the feast of Saint Barbara is celebrated on December 5th and is traditionally recognised by many branches holding a Church Parade on the closest Sunday to the 5th.
Some Regiments and Association branches hold a formal dinner.In Western Australia traditionally the Gunners’ Day Parade and Church Service is held on the First Sunday in November in Guildford at the Garrison Church. Officers of the Regiment gather in December for a Gunner Dinner.
Does anyone know the whereabouts of the following former members?
Bdr Mofflin,
Bdr George Muscat,
Greame Stoddart,
Clarie Ingram.
Cooks John Sherry
and Bdr Chick.TOP
Serving members are invited to wear uniform
Non Serving guests are invited to wear medals
1000 hrs Assemble North of Gun House—Tuckfield St Fremantle
March Route , Tuckfield St, Canning Hwy, Queen Victoria St, Burt St into Artillery Barracks.
Post Parade sausage sizzle, Tour Army Museum ($3), Refreshments WAUR MessGUNNERS DAY - 4 November 2001
Stirling Park, Guildford with laying of wreaths at the Guildford Memorial
service in St. Mathews Church followed by afternoon tea then camaraderie at the Guildford TavernBattery Birthday
Saturday 14th JulyTOP
Volunteer Tour Guides Wanted for the Leighton Battery Site.
Further details from David Carter Tel: 9367 3539
Training available.
PRONTO’S SIGNAL PAD (From the Editor)
Thanks to all those who have contributed reports for this issue. We have been asking members to submit profiles for publication. Unfortunately many are reticent to do so. Please consider writing something about your service in the Regiment as well as a little of your achievements in you civilian occupation. If you are able to do so please post direct to me. If you are able to send it electronically or on disk this makes my task easier and saves lots of time.John O’Brien, who has accepted the position of webmaster, has undertaken the task of placing issues of Take Post on the internet at http://www.geocities.com/obees.geo/3fdregt/index.html bookmark it for future reference.
Special thanks to:
the SMIG for his report keeping us up to date on the activities of 7 Bty 3 Field Regt and the photographs of the battery in deployment mode.
Ron Jager for his report on ANZAC Day in New Zealand and Alan Newbey for providing the report from the Airborne and obtaining permission for us to reproduce it.Peter Farrell
Committee Contacts:
President Peter Rowles W 9359 1280 H9246 3941 Vice President Ron Jager W 9420 2231 H9457 2166 Secretary Tom Arnautovic W9430 3428 H9332 3309 Treasurer Les Herbert W9370 1200 H9341 4517 Committee Ray Bird W9380 9388 H9446 5520 Committee Ted Barton H9479 6382 Editor Peter Farrell H9246 1367 Committee Ken Hepworth H9294 2275 Committee John O’Brien W9273 7157 H9339 8615 Publication Schedule:
Issues of ‘TAKE POST’ will be posted to members on a quarterly basis with next ‘TAKE POST’ in September 2001.Membership
Membership fee is $10 pa. Application forms are available from the Secretary. - 13 Bennett Ct, LEEMING WA 6149
or Email—tarnautovic@fremantleport.com.auMembers are requested to advise Secretary of contact name & addresses of former 3rd Fd Regt personnel and application for membership kits will be forwarded direct.
‘TAKE POST’ is published by 3rd Field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery Association as a service to members. Any articles or editorial comment should be submitted to the Editor:Peter Farrell
3rd Fd Regt RAA Association
email: peterfar@cantech.net.auTOP